The first two weeks of training are a little spotty. I'm still in school and knee deep in finals (someone shoot me). The only days I have to run are Fridays after work, Saturdays, and Sunday mornings. It makes training for a marathon a bit more difficult.
So far I have run 3 times in the past week or so with an average of about 30 minutes of run/walking (mostly walking). haha. I feel this need to step up my game, but I don't want to burn out and I don't really have the time right now. You know it's a bad sign when you would rather go for a run than go to class. I must be crazy.
Good news though: I think I have inspired the mister to start running again. He's all fired up about getting in shape (even though I've told him that he already has a shape: round). He ran last night and he's running again tonight. He also wants to join D and I on our weekly runs. I'm super psyched! I need all the accountability I can get these days.
So yea.... I'll give another update on the actual running when it becomes a more consistent thing (in 2 weeks or so).
Cheater, cheater.
14 years ago
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