This word makes me so happy. I don't think I can explain the joy it brings to me.
I have this incredible addiction to lattes. Not just plain lattes though... my drink is a nonfat extra caramel caramel macchiato. It's basically a caramel latte if you get it from SB. I just can't help myself. I could seriously drink one of these every 3 hours. And right now I'm loving the weather change (sorta - it's coming soon). I can get these hot! Steamed milk is another thing that makes me so happy. no wonder I'm addicted to lattes. Don't even try to get me on regular drip coffee. I've tried it. It's a no bueno. I need the steamed milk.
I wish the mister would allow a twice daily SB budget for me. I NEED it!
Anyone else crazy addicted to something?
By the way... wanna be my best friend? If so, just start buying me coffee....
Red tea with three teaspoons of sugar, I could drink it all the time. Hot of course, yeah in summer too. Not weird?
That's my drink! The double carmel machiato, though in the summer I go iced. I've had to cut back, being unemployed and all. LOL
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